Clean and tidy construction site is also surprised

Time: January 8

District: Tangdong, Pudong

Decoration company: Runqin decoration

Supervisor: Wang Jianjun Supervision

Construction node: Mud and wood acceptance

In this issue, Xiao Bian came to the site of acceptance inspection at a distance of 35 kilometers from this site in Tangzheng. The decoration company was decorated by Runqin. When Xiao Bian breathlessly arrived on the scene, everyone had already arrived. After entering, I noticed a problem. After the completion of the mud and wood, the site was cleaned very cleanly and people seemed to feel very comfortable. This is commendable.

On arrival at the scene, a serious Wang Jianli has already started to accept the wood and wood. The same empty drum hammer began to tap the balcony on the wall tiles. The Xiaobian is not ambiguous and the camera is one.

Tile hollow inspection

After careful inspection, it was found that there was no controlling phenomenon, so the "fight" bathroom.

Xiao Bian said that the internal water that Run Qin posted on the wall was still very good. It seems that there is a lot of effort and praise.

A piece of tile was detected and no problem was found. Wang Jianli expressed satisfaction with the work done by Runqin. He then took out a triangular ruler to measure whether the inside corner was inclined and whether the angle was straight or straight.

Decoration Construction Knowledge Construction Acceptance Wall Construction

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