Three principles of scientific fertilization under drought

Partial fertilization is applied once in a drought, which is likely to cause pollution in the field ground garden. If heavy rain occurs after the drought, the applied fertilizer is easily washed away, causing economic losses to the farmers and polluting the environment.

Deep application of fertilizer In the case of drought, if the fertilizer is applied only to the surface, the fertilizer is volatile. If there is heavy rain after a drought, it is easy to be washed away by the rain. Therefore, chemical fertilizer should be applied as deep as possible to maintain fertilizer efficiency.

Emphasis on the use of potassium fertilizer, boron fertilizer, potassium fertilizer can make crop leaf pores smaller, reduce water transpiration loss, is conducive to drought resistance. In addition, drought is easy to induce boron deficiency in crops, especially peanuts, fruit trees, rapeseed, etc. that are growing, and attention should be paid to the application of boron fertilizer.
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