How to safely use long residual herbicides

Long-term residual herbicides are herbicides that have been used in certain soils for more than one year after they have been used. They are susceptible to different degrees of phytotoxicity. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the harm of such herbicides to the crops.

First, different herbicides should be selected according to different soil characteristics, microbial species, climate and irrigation conditions. According to the data, Luhuanglong, Bean Huanglong and Jiahuanglong mainly pass hydrolysis in the soil. In the case of encountering the alkaline soil in the field, the rainfall in the past year, the soil drought, etc., their residues in the soil are often prolonged, and the later crops are vulnerable; on the contrary, the acid soil, the soil is moist or the farmland is filled, the residual period is shortened. The crops are relatively safe.

Second, improve the application method and reduce the amount of soil residue. (1) The dosage should be accurate, the spray should be uniform, no leakage, no heavy spray. (2) The period of use should be flexible. It can be treated before the crop is planted, before the seedlings, or after the seedlings. At present, Puschte, G., and Atrazine should be sprayed early in the post-emergence to reduce the dosage and reduce the residue. When used after emergence, add auxiliaries or synergists to improve the efficacy and reduce the dosage. (3) Rational application of drugs. Pussite soil treatment can be mixed with trifluralin, acetochlor, alachlor, syke, and the like. The use of Pu Shite and Guangshiling for strip spray can reduce the dosage by more than 30%.

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