Low yields and prices go higher Yongtai persimmon prices hit a new high in 21 years
According to market price data monitored by Yongtai County Price Bureau, the average price of Grade 1 persimmon in 2010 was RMB 13/500g, the average price of Grade 2 persimmon was RMB 11/500g, and the average price of Grade 3 persimmon was RMB 9/500g; The price of Grade 1 dried persimmons exceeded 18 yuan/500 grams, the price of the second persimmon rose to 15 yuan/500 grams, and the level of the third-class dried persimmons was as high as 13 yuan/500 grams. It was the highest price for persimmons since 1990.
According to Yongtai Price Bureau staff, the price increase of persimmons this year was mainly due to a reduction in output. It is estimated that the total output of persimmons this year will be reduced by one third from last year. From October to November this year, there were many rainy days. At this time, when the dried persimmon was finished, there was not enough sunlight. Many persimmons were mildewed and deteriorated. In addition, merchants in Xiamen, Shanghai, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places are looking at the Yongtai persimmons as the original ecological green food, and have frequently come to the door to purchase, which has also pushed up the persimmon price to a certain extent.
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