ARM selects "Fast14 1-of-N" logic technology to improve microprocessor performance

For a wide range of mainstream consumer electronics applications, in order to squeeze as much performance as possible with the lowest possible power consumption, microprocessor vendors have begun to reconsider the past as being unrealistic, costly, and difficult to manufacture. Various options. These options include silicon-on-insulator (SOI), silicon on sapphire, asynchronous self-timed logic, dynamic CMOS logic and its variables, and domino logic.
ARM Ltd. has recently entered into an agreement with Intrnisity to leverage the "Fast14 1-of-N" logic process derived from the company's proprietary dynamic logic.
For this shift, Peter Lewin, product manager at ARM, said, "The reasons are simple. From large-capacity storage to a wide range of mainstream applications such as printing and networking, there is a need for ever-increasing performance levels to handle higher data rates and more. More media services and new features like encryption."
The first product to benefit from this technology is ARM's Cortex-R4X processor, Lewin claims said, Cortex-R4X compared to the maximum speed of the Cortex-R4 processor implemented on the same process using standard integrated technology. The processor is twice as fast.
Graham Budd, executive vice president and general manager of ARM's processor division, noted that the Cortex-R4X processor made with the TSMC 65LP process will be able to operate at speeds up to 600 MHz, greatly improving hard drives and printers. The performance of products such as network devices, while minimizing power consumption.


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