Vegetable residue

Vegetables often suffer from insect pests during their growth, especially in summer, where the temperature is high and pests are prone to reproduction. Vegetable farmers will spray pesticides to control pests. In addition to spraying dimethoate and trichlorfon in organophosphorus pesticides, some vegetable farmers also use methamidophos, a highly toxic organophosphorus pesticide that is prohibited from being used in vegetable production.

When pesticides are used to spray vegetables, about 10% of the pesticides fall on the vegetables, and the rest fall into the soil or fly into the air.

Pesticides attached to vegetables spread to the stems, fruits and seeds through osmosis; pesticides that fall in the soil can also be absorbed into the vegetables through roots. Some of these pesticides are decomposed and disappeared in a growing plant, and some pesticides such as methamidophos are more difficult to decompose. If the concentration of the pesticide is too large, the number of spraying is too much, and the time from spraying to harvesting is short, and the concentration of organophosphorus pesticides remaining in vegetables will be high. People who eat vegetables with high toxic and high residual organophosphorus pesticides will cause organophosphorus pesticide poisoning.
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